WISE X Employment Incentive.

About the Project

In November 2022 - executing within a four month timeframe from initial client meeting to event delivery - we helped WISE Employment celebrate 30 years as one of Australia’s leading not-for-profit employment services providers through a 3-day conference held in Hobart with their ~900 staff – WISE X.

The main objective of WISE X was to bring teams and colleagues from across the country together after a two-year hiatus. The event served as a means to reflect on achievements during these two years, to award high performers and high performing teams through the Awards Gala and to recognise and celebrate WISEEmployment's 30-year milestone.

What we Delivered

We curated the end-to-end experience, beginning with a series of discovery workshops to understand WISE’s core values and the community impact it has had since inception. This allowed us to evolve the WISE X brand, culminating in the following emotional pillars:

  • Resilience
  • Discovery
  • Community
  • Connection
  • Celebration

 These pillars were woven throughout each day's activities. The program was (alignment to pillars in brackets):

  • Welcome Cocktail function (connection, community) - Day 1
  • Main Plenary (connection, resilience and discovery) - Day 2 (Day)
  • 90’s Themed Gala Dinner with Awards Ceremony and After Party (connection, community and celebration) - Day 2 (Night)
  • Team Building, Learning Sessions and Farewell (discovery and connection) - Day 3

 These pillars, paired with the overarching 90’s theme, provided the parameters for us to create an unforgettable celebration.

For the main plenary we sourced inspirational speakers (Mark Mathews and Milo Wilkinson) and Christina Canters as MC who were aligned with WISE’s organisational values and the WISE X pillars, as well as providing speaker coaching to nine WISE staff members who throughout the day presented their stories of survival, triumph, vulnerability, loss and impact to their peers.

To breathe some fun into the event, we extended the WISE X brand by turning back the clock with a no holds barred 90’s branded and themed Awards Gala. Entertainment was provided by Midnight mix who flew in from Melbourne with Brihony Dawson as MC - later joining the band as lead vocalist.

We worked with our suppliers to coordinate a seamless travel and accommodation experience for a high-touch group of staff. Many had not had experience travelling and/or had special requirements (e.g. mobility). This guest profile made safety and care of paramount importance – with significant engagement of venues and hotels to ensure safety and COVIDSafe standards were upheld. We also engaged a medic throughout the event to triage and treat guests as required.

Our core team of 12 staff - made up of permanent Phoenix staff and local subcontractors ensured seamless management of concurrent venues and provided a personal touch at each of the 12 hotels. Our team was supplemented by another 20 WISE volunteers who were briefed and managed by our team and an AV team from a preferred supplier. A comprehensive crew briefing document ensured a consistent approach by the Phoenix team, local Hobart contractors and WISE volunteers across all hotels and throughout the three day event. The feedback from guests onsite was hugely positive with an emphasis on the seamless experience they had from registration through to the last day.

WISE X is a perfect example of the Phoenix values - creative tension, fortitude, empathy, foresight, obsession with quality and fierce solution finders – coming to life through our work.



WISE staff were coordinated by our team to travel to Hobart from all over Australia



Of impactful & authentic content, with a huge party thrown in there for good measure



State finalist at the Australian Event Awards for Best Corporate Event

What the client had to say

"You should be very proud of how your team pulled together to provide such a seamless event – nothing seemed too much trouble and your upbeat approach to everything was so well appreciated.”

Tim Potter
Chief Operating Officer

Let’s work together

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